Our Goals:

The goals that our organization has focussed on include the following:-

Envision:We proclaim God's heart for the world and help His people embrace and respond to His desire for them to be part of building His Kingdom.

As followers of Christ find their role in the Harvest, they recognize their need for training and we equip them as mnisters of the Gospel.

Involve:We engage His people in the Great Commission and lead the charge into the mission field, helping individuals and churches find their best fit in missions and the joy of bringing glory to Christ.

Vision and Mission
To bring the Gospel to those who've never heard.
Our focus is to envision, equip and involve followers of Jesus Christ in the Great Commission.
We believe that every believer is a laborer in the mission field and that exposure to the call of Christ, short-term mission opportunities, and equipping in evangelism and discipleship will accelerate the Body of Christ's participation in His global harvest.

As mature Christians embrace their God-given role in the Great Commission and fully steward their strengths and gifting, He will be glorified and many lost will be redeemed. The Global Mission will partner with the local church in glorifying Christ and proclaiming Him to those who've never heard through the inspiration, equipping and sending off His people.